Laws aimed at preventing workplace discrimination based on hairstyle or hair texture are becoming more common across the country. New York, California and, most recently, New Jersey, have enacted versions of what's known as the CROWN Act. It stands for "Create a...
Month: December 2019
Ohio court throws out lawsuit about power surcharge
How many laws can affect an Ohio business? The answer is not a number because it is changing all the time. Sometimes, new laws are made to cover a new area of business, and judges are making decisions that can be considered precedents for new ones all the time as...
Pay attention to parking provisions before you sign that lease
When business owners are reviewing or negotiating the terms of a lease with a property owner, they don't always give sufficient attention to parking provisions. However, parking can make the difference between customers choosing your business or going somewhere else....
How to avoid common employee-related legal issues
If you're in the process of starting a business, you probably know that one lawsuit can seriously impact your bottom line -- and possibly even put you out of business. Many of these lawsuits can be avoided by following the law and having processes in place to deal...
Okay, Boomer: What employers need to know about ageism
The phrase, "Okay, Boomer" has become a joking way to refer to someone who seems out of touch, stuck in the past or just, well, older. Except jokes are supposed to be funny to everybody. Jokes that negatively reference and target the aging part of the population are...