Many Ohio companies have what's referred to as corporate governance structures in place. These are policies, controls and guidelines that businesses establish to meet their objectives. There are three types of governance structures including, internal and external...
Business Formation
What are shareholders’ and board of directors’ responsibilities?
The individuals that join together to form a corporation are referred to as shareholders. They're the people or companies that make a financial investment in the corporation. They gain some rights over a company in exchange for making a financial investment in it....
Why an ‘exit strategy’ is crucial in a partnership agreement
Entering into a business partnership is a little like entering into a marriage. However, unlike a marriage, you and your business partner(s) probably don't expect or hope to be together until death do you part. Even many couples who get married and hope for a "happily...
Can you switch your Ohio company’s incorporation structure?
When starting a business, many entrepreneurs will initially incorporate it as a sole proprietorship. However, as their business grows and their circumstances change, they often decide to switch the type of incorporation structure that they originally had to a...
Avoid these common mistakes when drafting an operating agreement
During the business formation process, entrepreneurs must select a structure for their companies. As you may already know, there are many benefits to forming a limited liability company (LLC). Cincinnati business owners who choose this structure must also create an...
How to avoid common employee-related legal issues
If you're in the process of starting a business, you probably know that one lawsuit can seriously impact your bottom line -- and possibly even put you out of business. Many of these lawsuits can be avoided by following the law and having processes in place to deal...
Seek guidance when choosing a structure for your business
Consider the following scenario: You have been working on a new Ohio business for some time. You have researched many different aspects of your business from making sure you have customers to choosing the right location for your office. You feel ready to put your plan...
Proactive steps to prevent a partnership disagreement
Entering into a business agreement with a partner is a big decision. While there are many benefits of doing so, it has the potential to end in disaster if you don't take the right steps upfront. There are many proactive steps you can take to prevent a partnership...
How to spread the word about your new business
When you're starting a business, you tend to begin by thinking about the product or service. What sets you apart from the competition? What makes people want your specific offering over something else? How can you change the market? After that, you begin thinking...
What are some incentives for starting your own business?
You know all about the personal incentives for starting your own business. You get to be your own boss. You get to set your own hours. You get to do something that you love. As the business grows, you really set yourself up for the type of success that you could never...