Starting a business is a serious endeavor. Though being an entrepreneur may have been a life-long dream of yours, you still need to put in a lot of work to bring that dream to fruition. You may have already started taking the necessary steps of business formation,...
Firm News
What should you include in your LLC operating agreement?
Starting a business is an exciting endeavor. You may have decided to start a limited liability company for the many benefits that this type of structure offers. Of course, you still have a long way to go before you feel as if your company is fully on stable ground to...
Understanding the basics of a limited liability company
Starting a business is an exciting time for an Ohio entrepreneur. Maybe you dreamed for years about launching your own company and working for yourself, but there is much more involved with this process than just having a dream and a company Facebook page. There are...
A handbook is vital if you have employees
Even if your small business only employs a few people, you may want to create an employee handbook. Without one, you could leave your company -- and possibly yourself, depending on your entity structure -- vulnerable to legal actions. Many employee complaints occur...
Welcome To Our Blog
We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for...
Taking action after a partner steals from the company
Because starting a company and keeping it operational is no easy feat, many Ohio residents choose to have business partners. When you first thought about having a partner, you may have had someone immediately jump to mind. This person may not have had extensive...
Assessing whether you are ready to become a business owner
The time has come when you feel ready to move forward with your entrepreneurial goals. You may have put off starting your own business for years because the timing never felt right or because you worried that you did not have what it takes to compete in the business...
The elements of a strong business operating plan
Are you an aspiring Ohio small business owner? Do you already have a hobby that you hope will become your full-time source of income? If so, you will want to have a business plan. Your plan of operation will set the course for your company and the direction that your...
Family businesses are not immune to conflict
Starting a family business or passing down an existing business to children is a dream many Ohio residents share. At times, however, you and your family may disagree about how a business should be run. When these types of disputes arise, it is important to handle them...
Tips for setting yourself on the road to a successful business
As you grew up, you may have known that you did not want to sit around helping others achieve their dreams while yours sat by the wayside. As a result, now that you are an adult, you want to become the entrepreneur you always wanted to be and set yourself up to...