No matter what type of company you operate, you have a duty to your employees to keep them safe on the job. Even if your company does not perform dangerous tasks or services, it's still possible for your employees to be injured at work. Let's take a look at the...
Month: August 2018
Will my employees’ non-disclosure agreements hold up in court?
There have been a lot of stories about nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) in the news lately due to the Trump administration's propensity to require all employees to sign them as a condition of being hired. At present, it's anyone's guess whether the NDAs that the...
4 considerations when creating a family business succession plan
Imagine you've spent the last forty years working hard to grow a successful business that has allowed your family to live a wealthy and abundant life. However, as you've grown older, you've also grown tired of the demands required to run the business. You're ready to...
What are some advantages to incorporating an Ohio business?
You're ready to achieve your dream and start your own business. There's so much to do and so many plans to make. You're picking the inventory you'll order. You are negotiating the lease for your space. Excitedly, you tell your friends about your plans. Then one throws...
Contracts may help after finding the right business suppliers
As you start your business, you likely spent a great deal of time deciding who you wanted to bring in as a partner or for some other role that you would work with closely. This type of approach is a wise one as you do not want to cause unnecessary issues by hastily...