If you are dealing with a contract dispute with a client, vendor or another business, you are not alone. Small business owners deal with such disputes frequently, and they can be a frustrating drain on your time and resources. If another party is not honoring the terms of your contract, you may feel uncertain about the most efficient and effective way to handle the situation. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to get the other party to see your point of view. Perhaps there is a misinterpretation of the terms of the contract, or the other party is withholding its completion of the terms because he or she feels you have not met your share of the agreement. Whatever the situation, you may find yourself facing a legal battle to reach a satisfactory resolution. What are you seeking? You may realize that the other party is not going to comply with your contract terms unless you take legal action. It is understandable to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of filing a lawsuit. Still, having some basic information about what to expect may help you feel more at ease about protecting yourself from someone who is causing harm to your business by failing to abide by the terms of a valid contract. The first question you may ask yourself may be what the goal of your lawsuit will be. Do you want money refunded or the payment of a balance due? Are you seeking additional damages? Perhaps you simply want the other party to complete the tasks he or she agreed to in the contract. Once you have decided what you want the outcome to be, you will draft a demand letter that outlines those expectations. This letter will go to the other party, that is the defendant, and to the court. Getting ready for court When the other party receives your letter, he or she may agree to negotiate a settlement. This may be the most effective, cost-efficient way to resolve the issue. If the other party refuses to comply, you will have to prepare for a trial. Civil trials typically take place before a judge instead of a jury. Many small business owners make the mistake of seeking legal assistance from free legal websites. When your business and your livelihood are on the line, you probably want the confidence of knowing you have a skilled and experienced Ohio business litigation attorney on your side.
Are you ready to sue someone for breach of contract?
On Behalf of Lindhorst & Dreidame Co., L.P.A. | Jan 10, 2020 | Firm News