Cincinnati Contract And Lease Attorneys
No one should enter into a business agreement without understanding what they are agreeing to. Signing now and litigating later is far more expensive than hiring an attorney to review a contract or lease before you sign it.
At Lindhorst & Dreidame, in Cincinnati, Ohio, our attorneys have extensive experience litigating business contracts that go wrong. Our goal in drafting and reviewing business contracts is to help you avoid problems before they happen. We will take the time to understand your interests so we can protect them.
Our lawyers represent private, closely held corporations and several publicly traded companies in the Cincinnati metropolitan area, Southwest Ohio and northern Kentucky. We handle:
- Mergers, acquisitions and sales of businesses
- Corporate financing and restructuring
- Issuance of debt and equity securities
- Establishing new business entities
- Commercial real estate contracts and leases
- Licensing of patents and trademarks
- Franchise agreements
- Sales and distribution agreements
- Employment contracts
- Nondisclosure and noncompetition agreements
- Consulting agreements
- Construction contracts
- Promissory notes and security agreements
- Equipment lease
We provide legal advice to our clients on a daily basis for a variety of general corporate and commercial matters. We also provide litigation services if the other side doesn’t honor its commitment in a business contract.
Contact Our Ohio Business Contract Lawyers
For more information, call our Cincinnati contract and lease lawyers at 513-223-3967 (866-855-5404 toll-free) or fill out our contact form. We offer a free initial phone consultation.