Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for disabled workers. Making adjustments to the work environment for an applicant or employee is advantageous to them on many levels. It gives them a better opportunity to secure the position they are applying for and to perform their job duties as proficiently as a person without disabilities.
Employers must provide reasonable accommodations in three aspects of the employment process to comply with the ADA.
All employers must provide all prospective workers with an equal opportunity to secure the job during the application process.
If a person with disabilities is qualified to perform the essential job functions, then an employer must collaborate with their workers to find ways to accommodate them so that they can adequately perform their roles. The ADA and U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations guarantee all employees with disabilities the same employment benefits and privileges that nondisabled workers receive.
Productivity enhancers may include accessible restrooms, ergonomic workstations and ramps. Employers shouldn’t think of these as a type of special treatment as they can benefit more than just workers with disabilities.
Employers must remember that part-time or modified work schedules may be not only helpful for those with disabilities, but also to other employees who might need some scheduling flexibility in their schedules.
Federal law requires all employers to provide their disabled workers with reasonable accommodations. If one of your workers has accused you of discrimination in violation of the ADA, they may be entitled to monetary damages.
How much that they’re eligible to receive may vary depending on the severity of your Cincinnati company’s alleged infraction. An attorney who is well-experienced in handling Ohio EEOC and claims can evaluate your case and recommend the best course of action for you to take in it.