Debt is a typical cost associated with doing business. It’s not uncommon for governments and companies to accumulate debt by borrowing funds from bondholders. They often pay the debt back at a specified period at an agreed interest rate. Generally, payments are made monthly or quarterly. The borrower must then pay back the lenders in full once the borrowing period is complete. The most common way that companies administer an issuance of debt is through corporate bonds. This situation involves a lender issuing a loan to fund an acquisition, capital project or other company expenditures. Companies buy and sell bonds in the bond market. Each company has a credit rating assigned by firms like Moody’s or Standard & Poor’s. Creditors use that credit rating to decide how much interest the company will have to pay once a debt is issued. They also take into account the demand for that particular bond. Like consumers, companies with lower credit ratings will have to pay higher interest rates. Businesses with more stable finances and balance sheets will lock in lower indexes. Companies that issue debts often do so for a specified period, such as 30 years. Lenders receive interest payments or coupons throughout the payment period. The borrowed amount must be paid in full when the period ends. If the interest rate falls during the period, the borrower can buy back the loans through a process referred to as “calling them in.” The borrower can then reissue them on more favorable terms. If you are considering having debt issued for your Cincinnati company, it’s essential to understand how the terms and conditions of this type of financial instrument work. An experienced attorney can go over how Ohio law treats issuances of debt and help you decide whether taking such financial obligations is right for you and your business.
How does an issuance of debt work?
On Behalf of Lindhorst & Dreidame Co., L.P.A. | Aug 7, 2020 | Business Contracts and Leases